Year 6 - Full Year 6th Grade Review

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Contents: Full Year 6th Grade Review

Full Year 6th Grade Review - All topics

Smaller topics in Full Year 6th Grade Review

Large NumbersTake a test
- Large Numbers : Place Value, Number NameTake a test
GeometryTake a test
- Geometry : Lines, PlanesTake a test
- Geometry : CircleTake a test
- Geometry : AnglesTake a test
- Geometry : TrianglesTake a test
- Geometry : quadrilateralTake a test
- Geometry : BasicTake a test
FractionsTake a test
- Fractions : BasicTake a test
- Fractions : Add, SubtractTake a test
- Fractions : Multiply, DivideTake a test
- Fractions : Word ProblemsTake a test
- Fractions : Equivalent FractionTake a test
- Fractions : OperationsTake a test
- Fractions : Number lineTake a test
- Fractions : Proper fractionTake a test
- Fractions : Improper fractionTake a test
- Fractions : Unit FractionTake a test
- Fractions : Mixed fractionTake a test
- Fractions : Comparison of fractionsTake a test
- Fractions : Multiplication of fraction by a whole numberTake a test
- Fractions : Division of mixed fraction by proper fractionTake a test
- Fractions : SimplificationTake a test
DecimalsTake a test
- Decimals : BasicTake a test
- Decimals : Word ProblemsTake a test
Natural and Whole NumbersTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : Multiples, FactorsTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : Prime & Composite NumbersTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : Divisibility RulesTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : LCM & HCF/GCDTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : BasicTake a test
- Natural and Whole Numbers : Playing with NumbersTake a test
Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc.Take a test
- Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc. : BasicTake a test
- Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc. : Word ProblemTake a test
PercentagesTake a test
- Percentages : BasicTake a test
- Percentages : Word ProblemsTake a test
AlgebraTake a test
- Algebra : Word ProblemsTake a test
- Algebra : BasicTake a test
- Algebra : PolynomialsTake a test
- Algebra : EquationsTake a test
- Algebra : Operations On Algebraic ExpressionsTake a test
Data HandlingTake a test
- Data Handling : BasicTake a test
Ratio & ProportionsTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Word ProblemsTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : BasicTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Simplest form of ratioTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Comparison Of RatiosTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Equivalent RatioTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : To convert a ratio Of Two Quantities In the Same UnitsTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Mean ProportionTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Continued proportionTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Conversion of fractions into percentsTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : To Find the whole when one part is givenTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Congruent trianglesTake a test
- Ratio & Proportions : Direct and Inverse ProportionsTake a test
IntegersTake a test
- Integers : BasicTake a test
- Integers : AdditionTake a test
- Integers : SubtractionTake a test
- Integers : Multiplication & DivisionTake a test
- Integers : Comparing integersTake a test
- Integers : Number LineTake a test
- Integers : Mixed OperationsTake a test
- Integers : Multiplication of positive integersTake a test
- Integers : Multiplication of negative integersTake a test
- Integers : Multiplication of positive and negative integersTake a test
- Integers : Evaluating the integersTake a test
- Integers : Properties of multiplication on integersTake a test
- Integers : Properties of Division Of IntegersTake a test
- Integers : Division involving 0Take a test
Logical ReasoningTake a test
- Logical Reasoning : Logical ReasoningTake a test
- Logical Reasoning : odd one outTake a test
- Logical Reasoning : FIGURE MATCHINGTake a test

Some selected skills in Logical Reasoning

-   Fractions - Reducing fractions and mixed operationWorksheetTake a test
-   Fractions - Ascending|Descending Order, Reduce to simplest formWorksheetTake a test
-   Fractions - Reducing them to the simplest formWorksheetTake a test
-   Mixed Fractions - Addition and SubtractionWorksheetTake a test
-   Fractions - Addition and SubtractionWorksheetTake a test
Natural and Whole Numbers
-   LCM of fractionsWorksheetTake a test
-   Natural and Whole Numbers - LCM and HCF|GCDWorksheetTake a test
-   Natural and Whole Numbers - Distributive PropertyWorksheetTake a test
-   Predecessor and SuccessorWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentages: More or Less PercentageWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentages: Find percentage (Fraction|Decimal) of a quantityWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentages: Find percentage of a quantityWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentages: Percent to Decimal and Decimal to Percent ConversionWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentage: Ratio to Percent and Percent to Ratio conversionWorksheetTake a test
-   Percentages: Percent to Fraction and Fraction to Percent ConversionWorksheetTake a test
-   Two Variable Polynomials - AdditionWorksheetTake a test
-   EquationsWorksheetTake a test
-   Simplify PolynomialsWorksheetTake a test
-   Two Variable Polynomials - SubtractionWorksheetTake a test
-   Single Variable Polynomial - SubtractionWorksheetTake a test
-   Single Variable Polynomial - AdditionWorksheetTake a test
Ratio & Proportions
-   Ratio and Proportions - Simplified FormsWorksheetTake a test
-   Ratio and Proportions - Find the ProportionWorksheetTake a test
-   Ration and Proportions - Value ConversionWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - division, mixed operationsWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - multiple multiplication operationsWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - multiple additions,subtractionsWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - successor, predecessor, sumWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - absolute, ascending, descending orderWorksheetTake a test
-   Integers - smaller than, greater thanWorksheetTake a test
Sample Year 6 Logical Reasoning worksheet : Printed Online
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